Thursday Aug 15, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Lorilee Cummings, (314) 952-2990
The Chamber Women's Group is a group of like-minded women who desire to make a greater connection to help each other grow their businesses and resources. We meet the third Thursday of each month. Women Helping Women Succeed! Never a dull moment with this group!
Bring your own lunch!
From our speaker coordinator, Katie Mackenzie, with GymGuys:
GymGuys, BODY 20 and Phase3 are going to be presenting at the women's group.
We will each take about 10mins. Both BODY 20 will share about each of their studios and possibly include a demonstration. I am going to share about the importance of nutrition and reaching your goals (and maybe make everyone move 😉)
11:00-12:00pm Networking
12:00-1:00pm Introductions and Speaker/Program
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